observable:WhoIsFacet leaf node






A whois facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a response record conformant to the WHOIS protocol standard (RFC 3912). [based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHOIS]

Superclasses (1)

Target Classes (1)


@prefix core: <https://unifiedcyberontology.org/ontology/uco/core#> .
@prefix observable: <https://unifiedcyberontology.org/ontology/uco/observable#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix vocabulary1: <https://unifiedcyberontology.org/ontology/uco/vocabulary#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

observable:WhoIsFacet a owl:Class,
        sh:NodeShape ;
    rdfs:label "WhoIsFacet"@en ;
    rdfs:comment "A whois facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a response record conformant to the WHOIS protocol standard (RFC 3912). [based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHOIS]"@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf core:Facet ;
    sh:property [ sh:class observable:ObservableObject ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ;
            sh:path observable:domainName ],
        [ sh:class observable:ObservableObject ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ;
            sh:path observable:ipAddress ],
        [ sh:class observable:ObservableObject ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ;
            sh:path observable:registrantContactInfo ],
        [ sh:class observable:ObservableObject ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ;
            sh:path observable:serverName ],
        [ sh:class observable:ObservableObject ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ;
            sh:path observable:nameServer ],
        [ sh:class observable:WhoisRegistrarInfoType ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ;
            sh:path observable:registrarInfo ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:creationDate ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:expirationDate ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:lookupDate ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:updatedDate ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:string ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:domainID ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:string ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:remarks ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:string ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:sponsoringRegistrar ],
        [ sh:datatype xsd:string ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:registrantIDs ],
        [ sh:datatype vocabulary1:RegionalRegistryTypeVocab ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:regionalInternetRegistry ],
        [ sh:datatype vocabulary1:WhoisDNSSECTypeVocab ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:dnssec ],
        [ sh:datatype vocabulary1:WhoisStatusTypeVocab ;
            sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
            sh:path observable:status ] ;
    sh:targetClass observable:WhoIsFacet .